“Later in my shift, I scanned the ticket on the terminal, and it printed a receipt saying I needed to claim my prize at the Lottery office. “As I was looking at the terminal, my co-worker, Jack, suggested I add The Jack to my ticket, so I did, and the rest is history.
“I was about to start my shift at Bruno’s and had $10 in my pocket, so I decided to buy a Club Keno ticket,” said Foerster. Johns is about 25 miles north of Lansing. She bought her winning ticket at Bruno’s Bar, located at 226 North Clinton Avenue in St. Shawna Foerster, 40, matched her easy pick The Jack numbers – 01-07-11-13-36-46-55-57 – to eight of the 20 Club Keno numbers drawn in draw 2238942. Johns woman winning a $197,296 Club Keno The Jack prize from the Michigan Lottery. Helpful advice from a man named Jack led to a St.